Becoming an Italian citizen is a highly sought-after goal for foreign citizens from all over the world. The motivations vary widely, reflecting the diversity of the people interested.

Firstly, the possibility of moving freely within the European Union and the entire world, holding one of the most powerful passports in the world, is a significant strategic advantage.


One of the main groups of aspiring applicants for Italian citizenship consists of the descendants of Italian citizens who emigrated abroad, often residing in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, the United States, and Canada. Their desire is primarily to reconnect with their cultural and family roots, rediscovering an important part of their identity. For them, Italian citizenship represents not just a passport, but a tangible connection to the history and culture of their ancestors.

Another significant category is that of foreigners who have lived in Italy for many years. They may come from EU countries or other nations and have chosen Italy as their second home. They have built their lives here, working, studying, creating families, and contributing to Italian society. For them, obtaining Italian citizenship means consolidating their integration, ensuring long-term rights and stability for themselves and their families, and fully participating in the political and civil life of the country.

International professionals represent another important group. Attracted by Italian excellence in fields such as art, fashion, cuisine, engineering, and medicine, they see Italian citizenship as an opportunity to advance their careers, make the most of Italian educational resources, and benefit from a high-level professional and academic network.

The spouses of Italian citizens are equally interested in obtaining Italian citizenship. For them, acquiring Italian citizenship means not only strengthening family ties but also ensuring greater security and rights, such as the possibility of working without restrictions and accessing the country’s social services.

To support the argument, we propose a comprehensive list of the numerous benefits that Italian citizenship can offer, whether you decide to reside abroad or in Italy:


1. Free Movement within the European Union (EU)

  • Residence and Work: As an Italian citizen, you can live and work in any EU country without needing special permits.
  • Study: You have the right to study in any EU country with access to reduced tuition fees and other benefits reserved for EU citizens.

2. Access to Social and Health Services*

  • National Health Service (SSN): Full access to Italian healthcare services, which are of high quality and often free or very low-cost.
  • Social Benefits: Access to various subsidies and social aids, such as unemployment benefits, pensions, and other state benefits.

*A fundamental requirement to access the Italian SSN, along with citizenship, is also registration with a municipality in Italy. Italian citizens residing abroad (registered with AIRE) cannot access healthcare in Italy.

3. Political Rights

  • Voting: The right to vote in local, national, and European elections.
  • Candidacy: The possibility to run for elective offices and actively participate in Italian political life.

4. Education

  • Access to Italian Universities: Reduced tuition fees compared to international students and access to scholarships and funding.
  • Erasmus Programs and Other Opportunities: The opportunity to participate in student exchange programs such as Erasmus, which facilitate studying in other European countries.

5. Work and Career

  • Labor Market: Access to the Italian labour market without needing work permits.
  • Public Exams: The possibility to apply and participate in the examinations for public sector positions.

6. Italian Passport

  • Visa-Free Travel: The Italian passport is one of the most powerful in the world, allowing visa-free entry to many countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan, and many others.
  • Consular Assistance: Access to Italian consular assistance worldwide in case of need.

7. Dual Citizenship

  • Retaining Original Citizenship: Italian citizenship is not exclusive, so you can keep your original citizenship and enjoy the benefits of both nationalities (dual citizenship).

8. Transmission of Citizenship

  • To Children: Italian citizenship can be passed on to your children, ensuring them all the associated benefits.
  • Inheritance Rights: Your children will benefit from inheritance rights under the Italian law.

9. Real Estate and Investments

  • Property Purchase: The possibility of purchasing properties in Italy without additional restrictions, with the advantage of accessing local mortgages and financing.
  • Tax Benefits: Access to various incentives and tax benefits available to Italian citizens.

10. Cultural and Social Benefits

  • Cultural Participation: Access to cultural, historical, and artistic events in Italy.
  • Family Benefits: Easier family reunification and greater opportunities to maintain close ties with family and Italian culture.

11. Legal Protection

  • Legal Rights: Protection under Italian law and the right to access the Italian judicial system.
  • Consular Protection: Legal assistance and support in case of problems abroad.
  • Diplomatic and consular protection from any other EU member in all those non-EU countries that do not represent Italy.


Acquiring Italian citizenship can be a complex process involving plenty of bureaucratic hurdles. The application procedures require specific documents, compliance with various legal requirements, and the ability to navigate through a slow and complicated administrative system. Among the different methods of acquiring citizenship, the most accessible is surely the recognition of the ‘right of birth or descent’, provided that applicants can prove their lineage with appropriate evidence.

Despite the obstacles, there are resources and services that can facilitate the process. Soluzioni Pratiche Srl offers personalized and competent advice to anyone wishing to undertake the path to obtaining Italian citizenship. Thanks to our long-lasting experience and in-depth knowledge of Italian laws and procedures, the Soluzioni Pratiche team can assist applicants across every stage of the process, from gathering the necessary paperwork to submitting applications, significantly reducing bureaucratic difficulties. Relying on experienced immigration professionals can be crucial and definitely make your goal of obtaining Italian citizenship more realistic and definitely less stressful.

Ottenere la cittadinanza italiana è un obiettivo molto ambito da cittadini stranieri provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Le motivazioni variano ampiamente e riflettendo la diversità delle persone interessate. In primo luogo, la possibilità di muoversi liberamente all’interno dell’Unione Europea e nel mondo intero, possedendo uno dei passaporti più potenti del mondo, è un vantaggio strategico non indifferente.

The Staff at Soluzioni Pratiche S.r.l.